New Bing chat mode in Skype
Guess who just showed up on Skype.
It’s Bing’s AI chat!
Microsoft is thrilled to introduce the integration of the advanced AI-driven Bing into Skype chat. This exciting new feature is engineered to deliver a wealth of information, creativity, and solutions to your queries, all via a user-friendly chat interface. Whether you need inspiration, and answers, or simply wish to explore, Bing has got you covered now.
Bing AI in group chat too
With Bing, you can now elevate your conversations with friends and family directly in your group chat. Whether you need to settle a bet with a swift and informative search, share a chuckle, or kick off a new project, Bing is capable of comprehending and communicating seamlessly in over 100 languages.
Spice up your Skype conversations with Bing’s repertoire of entertainment options such as jokes, poems, stories, games, and quizzes. In addition to that, Bing can also facilitate discussions on topics ranging from weather, sports, news, trivia, and beyond, creating a fun and engaging atmosphere for you and your loved ones.
We’ve had very limited experience with the Bing chat integration in Skype so we are not sure yet how far Bing will let a conversation go.
However, we have already encountered the type of response Bing will give when the conversation cannot continue.
The Good
You get to see your full chat history and can search it – this is something ChatGPT also offers to a degree, but the AI chats in Bing and Edge do not.
The Bad
Nothing yet.
Recent reactions on Twitter
Here is what people on Twitter have recently written about the new Bing integration in Skype.
New Bing chat mode in Skype • AI Blog – –
RT @mskkpr: 【新しい Bing プレビューの体験が Bing と Edge のモバイルアプリ、そして、Skype に登場】
#AI を搭載した #Bing mobile、Edge mobile、Skype with Bing chat が利用可能になり、音声入力にも…
@thatroblennon Bing AI Chat has been great when it first rolled out – now its functionality has been severely curta…
The new Bing is now also available in the Bing mobile app and through Microsoft’s Edge browser for Android and iOS.…
Mostramos la vista previa de nuestras nuevas aplicaciones de búsqueda Bing y Edge para móviles, además de la integr…
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Author: Steve Digital